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To inspire amongst zoo visitors empathy for wild animals, an understanding and awareness about the need for conservation of natural resources and maintaining ecological balance.

International partners production operations manager

Providing opportunities for scientific studies useful for conservation in general and creation of data base for sharing between the agencies involved in in-situ and ex-situ conservation.

How to collect all ideas in a single project

Providing opportunities for scientific studies useful for conservation in general and creation of data base for sharing between the agencies involved in in-situ and ex-situ conservation.

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Endangered Species

While the Bengal tiger is the most numerous of all tiger species, it is still under constant poaching threat. The creation of preserves in India helped stabilize the species' numbers, but poaching in Asia is on the rise. They are poached both for their skin and their body parts which are considered useful for Asian medicine. They are also threatened by habitat destruction and loss of their usual prey.

The Hawksbill turtle get its name of its narrow beak. They use it to extract sea sponges from crevices, their main source of food. They also eat sea anemones and jellyfish.
As their name implies, mountain gorillas live high in the mountains of Africa, specifically the Congo Basin, in elevations of 8,000 to 13,000 feet.
Bengal tigers are also the only tiger species that have been reported to have all white coloration.
There are three species of bluefin tuna: Atlantic, Pacific, and Southern. The Atlantic bluefin is the largest species and the most endangered.

We save animals from suffering around the world.

The main objective of the National Zoological Park is to complement and strengthen the national efforts in conservation of the rich biodiversity of the country, particularly the wild fauna. To achieve this objective the following protocol is adopted:


Supporting the conservation of endangered species by attempting their coordinated breeding under ex-situ conditions and raise stocks for rehabilitating them in wild as and when it is appropriate and desirable.

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